What's Next? My goals for 2007 are to improve upon the 2006 results in all categories and to have fun. Maybe next year I can do an Olympic Triathlon!
What advice do you have for other TFP Athletes? My advice for others who have to balance frequent business travel with training is to do your best to schedule your travel so that you can participate in a weekly training session. I take a set of bands with me so that I can do resistance training "on the road" even if there isn't time for anything else. I also make the most of my time at home so that I don't fall too far behind. For me, this is just another piece of a more balanced life. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Joe. He has been totally supportive, encouraging me to continue, cheering us on at the tri events, and making sure I have all my gear ready.
Nominated by: Diane Campione
Margo has gone from just being able to walk around the neighborhood lake to being able to run 6-7 miles and counting. In the beginning, she had difficulty maintaining balance on her bike; however, she recently purchased clips and is starting to use real bike shoes! She has somehow worked training sessions into her busy work schedule (which involves significant traveling), which is a feat in itself. All of this physical activity has helped lower her cholesterol. She is a great example of how a busy career woman can make time for herself to improve her health. She is a true inspiration! |