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However, the simplicity of his statement was what I needed to wake me up. I finally realized that I was still getting cramps even though I was drinking and drinking. The biggest clue was my stomach, which was a bit bigger and tighter than normal. I was over hydrated! So, I swallowed my last e-caps and took as little water as possible to wash them down. After one more mile of walking, I started to feel better and began to run again with no problems. I tried to run a little faster - no problems! I ran uphill - yes! Now I feel great! I ended up running the rest of the race in low Z3 HR maintaining an average sub-8 mile pace. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy! Perhaps it was my upside down visor (the "rally cap" as the college kids called it) and my zipped down jersey in the cool weather. The last five miles were probably run at the fastest pace and highest HR of the day. Amazing. This made my race. I may not have gotten the time I had originally expected, but this is Ironman. 11+ hours... this is a battle!
Speaking of battling, just as I approached the finish line, another guy thought he'd run shoulder to shoulder with me. I said to him, "Let's pick it up!" and got moving. He took about four faster steps with me and gave up. I had so much left in me as I pulled away from him that I crossed the finish line strong and proud, fist pumping with joy! I fixed a huge problem and my overall fitness helped to hurtle me over the finish line 12 hours and 36 minutes after starting earlier that day. AMAZING!

I was caught by a few of my clients in the finish area, who tended to me and congratulated me. I said I was fine, and heck, I could go out for some more. I felt so great! I wish I could have fixed the issues early on, because it probably would have taken
at least 40 minutes off of my time, given how great I did during the rest of the event. However, that is the way it goes. This is Ironman. Anything can happen!
It was so amazing to see so many clients, friends, and family out there on Race Day. I want to give a big thanks to everyone who made the trip. I looked forward to seeing people on the sidelines during every leg of the race. It was even more fun to interact with people I knew who acted as volunteers. These people helped to keep me focused, and primed me to go further with motivating words. Thank you all for helping me and so many others. If you ever get the chance, volunteer at one of these big races. It will really move you!
Now what?!
Well, I am not signed up for the 2008 Ironman. I plan to trim down, speed up, and go for some crazy PRs next year. Of course, all the while, I will be pushing some of my faster swimmers, bikers and runners to do the same. I figure that this approach will help me and them get even better.
Congrats to all in 2007!!!
I am proud of what I have done this year, but it has been even more amazing to witness what others have managed to achieve. I have seen so many PRs, have sent people off to Boston, and have seen others rock their triathlons, half marathons, half Ironmans, and marathons. With such an amazing season coming to a close, I can't even imagine how 2008 can top this year! Deep down inside, though, I sense it will. My coaching staff and I are constantly learning how to help our clients achieve more, and TFP clients are taking the information and applying it in such meaningful ways. Let's really reach for the stars this next year! What do we have to lose, right?

Thank you again for all of your support!!!!!!!!!!