TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Jason Hart

Occupation:  Sales Account Executive, CDW

Goals Achieved:

Races Completed:
  • Pleasant Prairie Tri - 2009
  • Reach Out and Run 5K - 2009
  • Pleasant Prairie Tri - 2010
  • Wauconda Tri - 2010
How has TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals:
Two years ago a friend invited me to a 30 minute session with Matt at TFP.  After 10 minutes I was flat on my back!  I remember Matt saying most of his clients start out that way and that some are now doing Ironman races.  It was encouraging to hear and it really challenged me to get into shape.  My initial goal was simple:  to show Matt and myself I could finish his 30 minutes PT session. 

After 12 months of running and TRX workouts, I lost 30 pounds and lowered my body fat to 12%.  Along the way, I earned a “master’s degree” in exercise fitness as Coach Matt taught me and others about proper diet, nutrition, hydration, injury prevention, and overall healthy habits.  

Hungry for new goals and ready to test my conditioning, I signed up for my first ever race:  Pleasant Prairie Triathlon 2009. Through training sessions with Coach Matt I learned how to lake swim, ride a road bike, and how to run faster.  I also received tons of support/tips from fellow TFP’ers.  Immediately after my race, I realized I was hooked and ready for the next one!

2010 was my first “season” at TFP.  I joined group rides, early morning lake swims, and a Super Summer Speed run class.   I’ve been following Coach Matt’s training plan very closely and started using BodyBugg.  Overall, I’ve seen excellent performance gains this year in swim/bike/run as well as my body composition.   For example, two years ago I could barely hold a 10:00 min/mile run pace, but my most recent speed assessment was a 6:44 pace. 

The TFP programs and community are very useful in helping me set and achieve various fitness goals.  Coach Matt has a great skill in seeing a person’s potential and helping them set a series of challenging yet attainable

goals to keep them moving forward.  Without TFP I would’ve stopped working out after I lost my first 10 pounds and considered that a success, but now the sky is the limit.

Advice for Other TFP Athletes:
Learn all you can from TFP coaches and experienced TFP athletes.  There’s an endless amount of support and fitness knowledge within the TFP community.

A big challenge for me was learning how to balance training with family, church, work, and school commitments.  Doing 5:30 am workouts has by far been the best way to help overcome this challenge. 

Coach Matt explained to me how quickly a person moves backwards in their fitness continuum when they skip workouts.  The “use it or lose it” principle applies….stay consistent! 

Going fast all the time does not make you faster.  Learn how and why you should train in different HR zones.  Doing an EMR analysis will help define your HR zones and fuel efficiencies.

A lower back/knee injury slowed me down for 3 weeks which taught me a few things: 

1. Do a gait analysis to find the right running shoe AND your shoe requirement can change as you become a stronger runner. 

2. Eat enough food for your body to sufficiently repair/recover. 

3. Stretching is important - some muscles need special attention.

What's Next?
I plan on taking my own advice in getting an EMR analysis so I can better plan my training/race goals for 2011.

2011 – Olympic distance races, various 5k and half marathon races

2012 – Half Ironman?







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 10/21/10