TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Dan Monahan

Occupation: Director of Sales, CDW

Goals Achieved: I've become a father to my twins- Drew & Paige.

Races completed:

  • Chicago Marathon 2005 & 2006
  • Chicago Triathlon (Olympic Distance) 2005 & 2006
  • Steelhead 70.3 Half Ironman 2006
  • BigFoot (Olympic) Triathlon 2006
  • Galena Sprint Triathlon 2005 & 2006
  • Libertyville Half Marathon 2005 & 2006
  • Fontana (Olympic) Triathlon 2006 (Relay)

How TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals:Coach Matt understands me and my lifestyle. He creates a customized workout program that is specific to my goals and fits my crazy schedule. I travel a lot for work, so it is not uncommon for Matt to have to change my workouts several times throughout the month. When I first approached Matt about training for Ironman, I expected to hear my schedule would not allow for it as I am only able to work out 8-10 hours per week. Matt never flinched. He is confidant (more then me at times) that he will "get me to the starting line." In addition to helping me lose over 40 pounds, Matt is going to help me fulfill a dream of becoming an Ironman.

What's Next?Only three events in 2007 - Galena Sprint, Steelhead 70.3 & the Madison Ironman. It felt a little strange not signing up for the Chicago Triathlon & Marathon as these have been staple races for me. In my opinion, the Ironman represents the ultimate 1-day test, so I'm anxious to see all of my training come to fruition. After watching Matt come across the finish line at Ironman 2005, I knew I had to experience this. If you've ever seen the finishers at an Ironman event then you know what I'm talking about. It's like nothing else in our sport. Matt is training three other Fitness Pursuit athletes, and I know we are all excited to see our friends throughout the course in Madison. I hope to graduate from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management this coming December with my MBA. My wife, Carrie is an amazing woman, allowing me to train for Ironman & work on my MBA. Once these are both done it will be time for a well deserved vacation! In 2008 I hope to focus on the shorter Olympic distance races, while hopefully picking up some speed and maybe having a few podium finishes. After that, I think it would be fun to wrap a vacation around an event. There is a marathon that's run on the Great Wall of China; this would be a very cool event!

What advice do you have for other TFP Athletes? Any goal can be reached. You just need to decide what level of commitment you are willing to dedicate to accomplishing your goal. Many people think I am "crazy" to train for Ironman while attending graduate school & raising 1-year old twins. I don't see it this way. While it has taken some very careful scheduling, with the support of my wife I have been able to work towards all three responsibilities. This means I have some late nights hitting the books, and some early mornings in the pool or out running, but because my training is important to me I always find a way to fit in my workouts. In my opinion, it is all about the personal commitment you are willing to keep with yourself. If it really means something to you, you'll find a way to make it happen. Results, not excuses!







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09