TFP Muscles
December Special

$75 off Premium Body Bugg Coaching-get a daily review of your Body Bugg account! For $75 you get accountability, motivation and nutritional coaching
through emails from Kelli, Matt, Lauri or Kim. Limit 4 month purchase.*Check or cash only.


$35-APEX Meal Replacement Lite & Box of APEX Protein Bars. This is the part of the suggested plan TFP has use for its Weight Loss Assault packages by coach Matt to get accurate fast fat loss results. Limit 4*
*Check or cash only.

NO PROGRAMS THE WEEK OF DEC 26th—next session start the week of Jan 2

TFP Message Board

The TFP Message Board has been set up to help keep TFPers informed on many things. You will need a TrainingPeaks account in order to access it. Please email Coach Matt if you don't have one. Make sure you check in weekly for updated information on:

APEX To Your Door Special
If you have an APEX account and set up a Monthly shipment you will be able to take advantage of a 40% off savings if you ship from Dec 5-Jan 5.

It must ship between those dates. The % off price will show just before you pay, stock up!! You can order as much as you want. You will get an
email asking you if you want to edit, cancel or confirm your monthly order about 8 days before it ships the a month later so you control how much you
get next time. This is a great way to make sure you have what you need!!

Oh, this is APEX’s way of thanking TFP for being patient as we waited for their Body Buggs to come in November!! So take advantage of this, never seen this offer!! If you don’t have an account email Matt and he will set you up. You don’t need to own a Body Bugg!!



December 2011
Who is at TFP?

TFP, The Fitness Pursuit, the vision of Owner and Coach Matt Petersen to create a place to come and go after your fitness pursuits. These goals can be anything: lose 100lbs, get down to the best race weight, learn a sport, improve in a sport, be the best, feel fit, look fit, and/or create balance in life. The people who come to work out here are as young as grade school to those who are enjoying retirement. Some will come ride/run from the TFP parking

lot for free group workouts to spending an intense amount of time to reach their goal. All of TFP, coaches & athletes, don’t care how much or little you come, but if you say you are coming, we will remember and ask you how it went or ask why you didn’t show this week. We know what it was like to start because we all started.. once upon a time. Many of us were overweight or even obese... and all of us were new to this once. We know that if you just show up... you will improve on something, meet great people, leave with a smile and a plan for the future. TFP coaches and equipment are some of the best. They have studied it, got certified in it, seen it all, heard it all, done it themselves and are ready to help you! The equipment has been selected to leave no option better from workout to recovery to assessing. You will see the setup is similar to a science lab, so that we can gather data and use it to transform bodies and minds.

No matter your goal, you gotta start somewhere... so come join us!

Off Season Challenge


TFP will offer the challenge again this year with some twists!

  • you can do just 1 month
  • you must do a little more each month to be included in the raffle
  • a paper log will be required to turn in which will also serve as your raffle ticket for the month
  • you can earn zeros for not participating and we will post your zeros without making any assumptions but you will removed from the raffle for zero posts or not posting
  • monthly raffles will be huge, monthly coach is determining product & service raffles!!

    Jan-Nutrition—coach Lauri
    Feb-Run—coach Matt
    March- Bike—coach Kelli
    April-Swim—coach Kim

    Cost $ 25 for Jan
    Cost $75 for all 4 months

  • weekly weigh in
  • attend 1 nutrition clinic by coaches/experts for free, included in program registration—many will be posted soon
  • attend 1 fat burning walk with coach(s)—many will be posted soon
  • post weekly points on TFP Forum by Sun 9pm

1-Dec 27 Tu 730pm
2-Dec 29 Th 630pm
3-Jan 4 Wed 5pm
4-Jan 10 Tue 730pm
5-Jan 20 Fri 530pm
6-Jan 27 Fri 615am
7-Feb 2 Th 5pm
8-Feb 8 Wed 5pm
9-Feb 14 Tue 730pm
10-Feb 24 Fri 645pm


Mens or Womens ONLY Compu Trainer Series

Cost: $75
Max 20 Men
Max 20 Women

Cancellation Policy is more than 7 days, or you pay $15 for your late cancelation for taking a spot!! Races will be about 60min, 17miles for women & 20 for men with the drafting function on.

You will get points per place you score of the 8 in the room.
You must do 5 or more to be considered for the overall champion prize. Prizes will be worth more than your entry! If you do 5 or more you will be put into a raffle. For every race you do over 5 you will get your name put in more. Prizes will be worth almost your entry.

1-Dec 28 Wed 7pm
2-Dec 30 Fri 615am
3- Jan 5 Th 5pm
4-Jan 13 Fri 530pm
5-Jan 17 Tu 730pm
6-Jan 25 Wed 5pm
7-Feb 3 Fri 615am
8-Feb 7 Tu 730pm
9-Feb 16 Th 5pm
10-Feb 24 Fri 530pm


TFP Take Over Plan

TFP Take Over was designed to allow TFP to come together an show their pride and ability to the local races along with some good ole fashion competition between its athletes! TFPers will often do other races in large numbers but these will be the 3 we ask you to highly consider. Make note in your calendar now.

After assessing past years take overs and local event schedules that TFPers tend to follow for various goals. Here are the adjustments:
-Coach Matt with collaboration with coaches and athletes has chosen the events.

1. Cary Half Marathon
Sunday March 18
Registration will open and close on Dec 31st

1-to get TFP running early
2-to get TFP running enough miles early
3-to challenge TFP
4-to show the local runners a TFP Take Over
5-to encourage TFP to get to race weight early in the year to handle this
distance and hills
6-to give focus to the Preseason Perfection Running Program TFP runs from Dec 31- the Sat before

2. Reach Out & Run 5k
Sat April 7th (estimated)
Registration should open early 2012

1-to get TFP running fast early in the year
2-to challenge TFP to push hard
3-compare to past since TFP has done this many years
4-show local runner a TFP Take Over
5-to continue to encourage race weight through going fast
6-to give a initial focus to the Super Summer Speed Running Program to
start March 20th Tue 6pm

3. Pleasant Prairie TRI/Du
Sun June 24th
Registration is open

1-to get TFP racing multi-sport early
2-offers Olympic TRI, Sprint TRI, Sprint DU & Kids TRI
3-compare to past results
4-to show local multi-sporters a TFP Take Over
5-to give focus to Tri Training Program & I-Can-Tri program & TRI Clinics
Junior TRI Clinic Series



Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 12/5/11


2011 Specials:

Any specials you took advantage of for 2011 like Pre-Pay, EMRs, Training Plans, etc. must be used in 2011. The service specials are about Philosophy to help you reach your goals, not bank services for when you want them or are ready for change! Get your appointments set up now!!!

Personal Training for YOGA
I know many of you attend class or wish you could. Kim & Julia are both available for 1:1 or small group Yoga sessions at TFP. Please email them to set up your time. The Group room has many hours it isn’t used and you can enjoy your own time with instructor of choice. Personal Training rates apply to this $65, $80 or $100.

NEW Program Registration
Registration will open Dec 15 at 9pm

All start week of Jan 2 unless noted.

Mon 615pm-coach Kelli
Mon 730pm-coach Kelli
Sun 9am Long Course 2hr Endurance Focus $150-Coach Lauri

Sun 3pm Long Course 2hr Endurance Focus $150-coach Matt

Drop 20-40
Runs Week of Jan 2-March 5
(10 sessions)
Must have Body Bugg
Mon 6-730pm
Tu 6-730pm
Are you ready to commit to change? This program will push you and hold you accountable to your healthy 10-week weight loss goal.

Preseason Perfection
Sat Dec 31-March 10
Cost $150
Max 40
Sat 8am

Program will focus on being run prepared for 2012. This year will have a
few changes. The program will focus on being prepared for the Cary Half
Marathon but not a requirement. Along with the Sat 8am longer run and/or
skill work will be 2 other coached run options but not required. Tue(coach
Matt) and/or Th(coach Kelli) 530pm Heather Ridge tempo run from Jan
10th-March 8th weeks. Expect this theme this year. We are making sure you are really ready!

Jan 26th Thur 530-9pm TFP Night at M&M
Do you need a new bike(tri, road, mountain, cycle cross, trail, family,
kids, etc), wheels, helmet, shoes, clothes, power meters, etc? Reps from
all will be there with all sorts of samples and info. TFP will be getting
a special deal on gear and bike purchases. The exact % off will be posted soon. Coach Matt along with other TFP coaches will be there to help you with your purchases. You won’t want to miss this!!