TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Pete Noverini

Occupation: Scientist

Goals Acheived: I started working with TFP to shed a few pounds; now I am in the best shape in my life, and am consistantly breaking my personal records.

Races Completed:
  • Nine 5Ks
  • One 8K
  • One Triathlon
  • One Kayak/Run Multisport Event
  • One Skyscraper

How TFP Helped Me to Reach My Goals: When I first started working with TFP, and after consultation with a doctor, my major concerns were with trying to work off some weight gained during the holidays that didn't seem to come off. After training TFP for over a year now, not only have the pounds come off, but I have also seen myself getting more physically fit than I have been in my life. As a scientist, I am impressed with TFP's use of computerized assessments, such as the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Assessment and the Exercise Metabolic Rate (EMR) Assessment to determine my specific body needs. With the RMR, I can determine my personalized required caloric intake per day - an excellent way to plan my diet needs, as well as a way to watch over-snacking! With the EMR, I can learn my personalized heart rate zones that correspond to the workout I need. Combined with the heart rate monitor I purchased, the EMR has allowed me to get in touch with my workout, in a quantitative, tangible way that I can continue to monitor each time I exercise. In between group training programs, I also followed a personalized training plan through Training Peaks, which allowed me to monitor my progress online.

What's Next? I feel as though, now that my eyes have been opened to the potential in my body, that there are many avenues for me to explore.  Will I focus on triathlons?  Distance running? Cycling?  More kayak races?  We'll just have to see what races are in the future!

What advice do you have for other TFP Athletes? When I was on the high school track team, I felt as though I pushed myself too hard and too fast, and became discouraged when I didn't see results. One thing that TFP has taught me is to focus on the base, build that foundation, and work from there.  Stay diligent with your workouts.  With the tools that TFP gives me, such as the RMR and EMR, I can also follow my progress and see progress in my fitness, so I don't become so discouraged.  With patience and focus, the results will follow!







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09