TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Diane Kovarik

Occupation:  Accounting Manager

Goals Acheived: Shocked my family and friends by changing from a couch potato into a triathlete.

Races Completed: 12 triathlons - the first one was Danskin in 2003 and the last one was the Whirlpool Steelhead Half Ironman on 8/4/07.

How TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals:Coach Matt taught me that if you have a plan and you follow it, you can achieve your goals (and trust me, when I started, I was clueless about my body and the benefits of training).

What's Next? I am keeping an open mind!

What advice do you have for other TFP Athletes? Don't ever give up on your body and never say 'never'. When I signed up for Danskin in 2003, I could barely swim the length of the pool, hadn't been outside on a bike in 10 years, and only ran to answer the phone.  What Coach Matt thought of me that first year God only knows.  He probably still says a prayer of thanks every time he sees me exit the swim. That first triathlon showed me that I was empowered and could change my life.  Even today, I have that empowered feeling that touches all aspects of my life.  I have a husband, 2 grade school aged kids, a dog, a house and a full time job, and I still found the time to train for a Half Ironman.  Believe me, if I can do it, anybody can.  Make a plan, set reasonable goals, and keep an open mind!








Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09