TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Margo Hickman

Occupation: Senior VP of Corporate Insurance, HSBC

Goals Achieved: I originally hoped to reverse the course I set for myself of only focusng on work and ignoring my health. The Danskin Tri was really special for me. We all finished and my sister came in from Montana to join us. I still can't believe that I am doing this (and neither can anyone else who knows me). We all improve with each event and have lots of fun.

How TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals:Coach Matt has an amazing ability to work with people's challenges. He motivates and teaches and celebrates the small victories of all his students. I'm not sure when I realized I could run, but it wouldn't have happend without this group..

What's Next? My goals for 2007 are to improve upon the 2006 results in all categories and to have fun. Maybe next year I can do an Olympic Triathlon!

What advice do you have for other TFP Athletes? My advice for others who have to balance frequent business travel with training is to do your best to schedule your travel so that you can participate in a weekly training session. I take a set of bands with me so that I can do resistance training "on the road" even if there isn't time for anything else. I also make the most of my time at home so that I don't fall too far behind. For me, this is just another piece of a more balanced life. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Joe. He has been totally supportive, encouraging me to continue, cheering us on at the tri events, and making sure I have all my gear ready.







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09