TFP Muscles
Fall Programs at TFP

Off Season Adventure
Sep 27 - Jan 10: Sat, 7:30-9am

Unleash your outdoor enthusiast! The fall is a great time to try new activities such as trail running, trail biking, mountain biking, kayaking, competition challenges and snow fitness games. Be ready for anything in this fun program!

Off-Season Adventure

Don't Fall Back - Fitness Running
Sep 27 - Nov 22: Sat, 8am-9am

Conquer the laziness that comes with Daylight Standard Time once and for all! Falling back is for clocks - not for athletes!

Now that you're running so well, are you willing to even have an off-season? This program will help you maintain fitness by using intervals, tempos, and mileage training during targeted 60 minute sessions that WORK.

The program will be led by TFP Coach & Professional Triathlete Terry Harth from the TFP Studio. He is one of the fastest male runners in the Milwaukee/Chicago area at many distances. New and seasoned runners will benefit!

TFP's DFB Program

PC Fall Fitness
Sep 29 - Dec 15: Mon at 6pm

A combination of running and strength training sessions coupled with a training plan helps participants improve conditioning in the off season! Program is requested by a group of residents in Prairie Crossing.

PC Fall Fitness




September 2008
TFP Studio
What's new at TFP?
Thanks to everyone who came to TFP's Grand Opening! Many of the raffle winners still haven't picked up their prizes. Please check this list to see if you've won, and contact Coach Matt to get your prize! TFP has been busy putting together studio programs and is pleased to present the following schedule!

CompuTrainer - 6 Weeks
These indoor biking sessions take riders through a seasonally appropriate workout. You will be coached on cadence, heart rate, power shifting and technique. Although you will be asked to work very hard at times, the option of adapting effort to your particular training goals is always available. You must bring your own road bike, shoes, bike clothing, and fuel.


Functional Weights - 6 Weeks
These resistance training sessions are designed to improve body function. Through the using of tubing, the TRX System, dumbbells, cable weights, body weight, and other functional aids, participants will improve strength, stability, flexibility and coordination. Some past resistance training experience recommended.

CompuTrainer Intro - 3 Weeks
If you are new to road riding or the CompuTrainer, it is highly recommended to sign up for the introductory 3 week session. Otherwise, personal coaching sessions to get you up to speed are highly recommended!

Yoga for Athletes - 6 Weeks
TFP's certified and very experienced yoga instructors will help improve your body's functionality while working on flexibility, balance, core strength, and mental relaxation. All levels of athletes may attend.

CompuTrainer - 6 Wks - Max 8 Riders
CompuTrainer Intro - 3 Wks - Max 8
Functional Weights - 6 Wks - Max 12
Yoga for Athletes - 6 Wks - Max 10
Special CompuTrainer Opportunities

FREE Compu Trainer Intro Sessions!
September 19 at 4pm and 5pm

You will learn how to set up your bike in the CompuTrainer system along with what to expect in the session. Email Coach Matt to sign up!

CompuTrainer Time Trial
September 28th at 9am, 10am, and 11am

You will be placed on the same 10 mile course from last spring to see how you compare. The fastest man & women win a free 6-week CompuTrainer session! Please bring $10. Email Coach Matt to sign up!

EMR/RMR Group Rates: Sep 21, 7am-3pm

This will be one of the last chances to take advantage of a TFP organized group rate. If you were waiting to do your assessment until you could pay the group rate, now is the time! Metabolic assessments can truly help you change your performance and/or body shape! The EMR will help you find what heart rates you should strive for when biking/running, and will determine whether your current training is helping you really reach your potential. The RMR will help you understand your food needs and what you may have been doing to your body with your current eating and exercise patterns. Email Coach Matt to sign up for a 30 min slot.

EMR - 9/21
RMR - 9/21


Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 9/13/08


TFP Gains New Ironmen!

WOW! Our five TFP athlete-Ironmen and two coaches did so well in each of their races! The weather leading into IM Madison was a bit concerning, but race day was about the best it could be with the normal Verona farm winds brewing in the afternoon. Our competitors proved that proper pacing, fueling and correct reads of the body lead to a great race. Everyone was running through the other participants to the finish line!
Thanks to all of the volunteers as well. Your presence helped lift the spirits of not only our athletes, but many others!

We all look forward to your training and race stories. As you get back to your normal life routines, please take some time to share your thoughts on this remarkable journey. Anything is truly possible!

2009 Ironman Meeting
Our newly inducted TFP Ironmen surely inspired others to take on this incredible challenge. If 2009 is your Iron Year, please plan on attending a meeting on Tue, October 7th at 7pm. You will have the chance to meet past and future TFP Ironmen, whilel learning about coaching and training options for this remarkable race. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by October 1st by emailing Coach Matt.

Triathlete by TFP Winner!

Congratulations to Andrea Collins, who was chosen to represent Triathlete by TFP! We had so many applicants during this special Grand Opening giveaway. TFP’s offer to transform someone into an Olympic distance triathlete stirred up much excitement. Andrea has received a generous gear package from Triathlon World, M&M Cyclery and Runners Edge that will include all of the things she'll need during training and the actual event. TFP will be providing her with a coaching package starting October 1, 2008 that will include EMRs, RMRs, CT rides, monthly training plans, program registrations of various types, and plenty of personal training sessions for running, biking, and swimming.

Plan to check back on the TFP Website regularly as Andrea will chronicle her training on a blog between October and August.

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