CompuTrainer Group Rides
These indoor biking sessions take up to eight riders through a seasonally appropriate workout. You will be coached on cadence, heart rate, power shifting and technique. Although you will be asked to work very hard at times, the option of adapting effort to your particular training goals is always available. You must bring your own road bike, shoes, bike clothing, and fuel. Group rides are scheduled in six week sessions and take place at the TFP Studio. Check the schedule for upcoming sessions and prices!
*Drop-ins welcome, but please contact TFP in advance to check availability. $20 payment must be brought to the session.
Rental CompuTrainer
If you can't commit to a six week CT session, take advantage of a rental session. For $15 per person (max 8 per session), you will have your choice of a terrain or wattage workout for up to 90 mins. E-mail Coach Matt to confirm availability of a setup coach and the CT room. Hours typically available include: Mon: 7-8:30am, 10:30am-12pm & 7:30-9pm; Tue: 7-8:30am; Wed: 5-8:30am & 5-6:30pm; Thu: 6:30-9:30am; Fri: 6-11:30am. Weekends vary. |