TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Dave Bartoszewski

Occupation: Sales Manager

Goals Achieved: Ironman Finisher, Competitive Age Grouper

How TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals:
Coach Matt gave me a direction. The best part about working with him over the last 3 years is that I trust him. He keeps me improving and to date, injury free. I don’t ever have to worry about doing the right training, getting enough in, doing the proper mix of recovery and intensity. It has been a wonderful experience to develop my potential with Matt. Strength training would be another huge area for me. I have completely changed my body make up over the last 3 years, but I am as strong as I was at any point in my life. Matt has a great knack for finding the balance between power in the main muscle group and the supporting smaller muscles. I think this is a major reason I have stayed injury free through all this training. Through the different services Matt provides, I have been able to tap into the most efficient way to train possible. I have a full time job like most, so I need to make every minute count. EMR, RMR, Computrainer, and TFP competitions have all led to a very focused and driven training plan. I feel like every year I can get more aggressive and that leads to faster splits and dropping more people on the bike!

Advice for Other TFP Athletes: Stick to the plan. When I started with Matt I was running 10:30 pace in Low Z2. Today, that same exact heart rate will produce a 6:45 mile. It works….it is frustrating, but it works.

Another piece of advice is to find a plan that works with all aspects of your life….and NEVER miss a workout. I have found that the better job I do of telling Matt what my schedule is, the less stress I have fitting it in. There is more to life than Triathlon, and it is nice to experience it every now and then.

My last piece of advice would be to Dream BIG. I went from a Sprint to an Ironman in 11 months. It can be done if you want it badly enough. Ask questions, have fun, and use the TFP family to help you achieve your athletic dreams. Happy Training….and see you at the finish line!

What's Next? Ironman Lake Placid in July. I’m shooting to go under 11 hours….with an outside shot at qualifying for Kona, which is my ultimate goal and I have every confidence that Matt will help me reach it in the next two years.

I put a lot of trust in what he does…after all, these are my dreams, and I wouldn't trust them to anyone else. To date, I couldn’t be happier.







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 5/27/09