TFP Muscles







TFP Success Stories
Glenda Sundberg

Occupation:  Mom & Part Time Family Nurse Practitioner

Goals Achieved: Before starting this triathlon "hobby," I had never been a runner, had only been on a mountain bike, and had not been swimming since high school. I have consistently been able to improve in all 3 sports while maintaining a good balance with my family and work life. I’m a happier healthier individual than I was 3 years ago!

Races Completed:

  • Danskin Sprint Relay (swimmer) '05
  • Sampson Stomp 5K '06 '07
  • Lake Mills Sprint Tri '06 '07
  • Danskin Sprint Tri '06
  • Pleasant Prairie Sprint Tri '06 Olympic '07
  • Lake Geneva Olympic Relay (swim only) '06 '07
  • Muddy Buddy '06
  • Prairie Crossing 5K '06 '07
  • Gurnee Turkey Trot '06 '07
  • Equestrian Trail ½ marathon '07
  • Naperville Sprint Tri '07
  • Pleasant Springs 1 Mi Open Water Swim Challenge '07
  • Pardeeville Sprint Tri '07
  • Condell Classic 10K '07

How has TFP Helped Me Reach My Goals: Having a training plan works for me and my busy life. I submit my availability and Coach Matt makes the workouts come together. Having the ability to download my workouts and to be coached based on those results has been very valuable. I have also enjoyed EMR testing and watching the results change based on my training. Throughout all of this, I have remained injury-free. Though there have been times when I have needed to back off, Coach Matt has helped me refocus and move forward. While some would prefer to train alone, I have found a wonderful network of training buddies in all disciplines through TFP.

What's Next? I’m going after some more challenging venues this year. My big race will be the Half Ironman at Steelhead in August. Down the road depending on how the season goes I would love to try to tackle a Marathon and yes, perhaps even an Ironman.

Advice for Other TFP Athletes: Trust the coaching and the process -it works! Training for these sports is a lot like life itself. You should wake up every day and be grateful to be able to do what you are able to do. There will always be someone faster, stronger and better than you out there, so go after your own goals and make them happen. It feels great!







Copyright © 2008 The Fitness Pursuit, Inc. - Last updated 1/20/09